Monday, January 24, 2011

What a Celebration

I went to AU this past weekend for the celebration of our recent National Championship title.  It was a BLAST!  It felt just like a home football game..and honestly, I think there were more AU fans there than are at an actual game.  We went to all the bookstores, bought the best AU gear we could find, tailgated, and screamed proudly during the whole celebration.  I cried multiple was great to relive our championship season with 78,000 other fans inside Jordan Hare Stadium.  After the celebration we went to the AU/UA b'ball game and had a great time, despite the Tigers' loss. 

The new mural outside of Toomer's

Casey and Winston tailgating


Me, Britt, Casey, and Sarah after the big celebration

The actual highlight of my weekend might have been the AUsome food we ate...dinner Saturday night at Mikata and then my absolute favorite on Sunday...Amsterdam's!!  It was a great weekend down on the Plains with some of my favorite people!
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1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous, but glad you could be there for the party! What fun! War Eagle, Mom


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