Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Confessions

In an effort to actually cross off some resolutions on my 2011 list, I will hopefully be posting weekly Sunday confessions.  The confessions will be all over the place...just like me!  Today, I am here to confess my life-long (well, probably since I was about 10) infatuation with Mr. Colin Firth, a.k.a. 'Mr. Darcy'. 

My Aunt Jennifer introduced Sister and me to Mr. Wonderful one summer while watching 'Pride and Prejudice'.  Now, this movie was the time it was a 6 tape VHS box set.  We would watch it for hours...I've probably seen it 20 times and know most of the words.  I daydream of being Miss Elizabeth Bennett and being swept away by the ever-so dashing, Mr. Darcy.  Or as the women in my family pronounce, "Mr. Daaaaarcy".  I mean, who doesn't love a man with a British accent?! 

When I heard there was a movie coming out with Colin Firth and it was all about speech therapy...I thought God was talking directly to me!  The King's Speech is a FABULOUS movie....I urge everyone to put down their DVR remotes, walk out the door, and head to your local theater.  It is definitely worth the insanely crazy ticket price of $9.25. 

The movie is based on the true story of King George VI and his difficulties with stuttering.  It tugs at your heart strings and for those of you unfamiliar with stuttering, it will give you an understanding of the great difficulties some people have....and make you appreciate the role of an SLP.  You will leave the theater screaming "Colin Firth for the Academy Award!".  In addition to the wonderful acting, Colin Firth is in a tux in multiple scenes....I.  About.  Died.  Soooooo dapper.  Right now, I am resisting going to Google and looking up his marital status.

Get out of your house and go see this movie!!

This was the man that stole my heart at the age of 10...oh Mr. Darcy, how I love you!

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