Well I know it is only June, but I am offically ready for football season now. On Tuesday, Sister and I headed up to A'ville to go to the Marshall County Auburn Club meeting with Mom, Dad, and DB. Guess who was there?? Coach Chizik and AUBIE!!!!!!!
The whole family decked out in orange and blue and drove up to the Guntersville State Park. There were soooo many people there! DB was such a trooper and she didn't even cry one time. We participated in Tiger Walk and welcomed Coach and Aubie with some loud cheers. I had the Reb in one hand and a shaker in the other! Caution-here comes some major cheesiness!
Being at the meeting with my family, seeing so many people there that love AU as much as I do, and hearing Coach Chizik talk about my Tigers, got me a little emotional! Coach Chizik talked a lot about family...the Auburn family specifically, and what it means to be a part of that. It made me ponder back on all my great Auburn memories...even the ones I have from childhood. I am so proud to be a part of the Auburn family!!!! Football season is just around the corner....I can already taste a game dog and a cold drink! WDE!!
GrandBobby and DB
DB didn't quite understand what was going on!!
We waited in line FOREVER for a pic with Aubie and the DB...just as we got to the front, they stopped taking pics. So unfortunately, this is the best one we got! Her expression cracks me up!
Love your pants Gyner!