Friday, December 30, 2011

Merry and Bright!

The Decker family had a very merry and bright Christmas.  It came and went in a blur, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

We made it to the Crowe's house Christmas morning bright and early...this DB was all smiles when we got there!

What can I say, she takes after her Gigi!  We snapped pictures together all day!

Baby Libby pretty much snoozed through all the present opening!

We had presents everywhere!

I gave DB this sleeping cute!

She LOVED her new doll house!

Santa brought DB "Ariel" hair..Blake tried it out for us and it had us laughing all day!

Sister and I were THRILLED to get our Haul Couture bags...and even more excited that the one we were given is named the "Laura" bag in honor of our favorite Chi O, Aunt Laura Casey!

Sister and Blake gave Daddy D the "Gene" jacket!

DB loved her princess poster!

After Christmas, we went up to Chattanooga to do Christmas with my Dad's family...DB got some super-cute owl stuff...the umbrella was her favorite!

DB wasn't the only person who received some super-cute owl gifts...look at this adorable kitchen timer Aunt Vicki gave me!

I've enjoyed my Christmas va-cay to the fullest...I'm soaking up as much time with my "girls" as I possibly can...loved their matching snowflake outfits!

I've been working with DB on how to play Candyland...we'll get there one day! ahah

Today, we had a "Pajama/Movie Day" at my house...Sister and the girls came over in their cutest PJs and we watched "Finding Nemo"!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed holiday...I know I sure did!

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1 comment:

  1. It's official. You win the Aunt of the Year Award! Those two little loves are so blessed to have you! Looks like y'all had a merry one for sure!


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