Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekend Events

It has been quite a busy weekend. Friday night, Christopher and I had an amazing dinner at AK and Blake's house. They put on a spread for us and it was definitely a treat. Following dinner, we met up with some of my favorite people at Otey's. It was great to see everyone and in the midst of all our excitement, I completely forgot to take any pictures.

Saturday was my Mom's birthday. We celebrated with our family friends, the Ross', and a wonderful dinner at Ocean! We were lucky enough to have one of their private rooms all to ourselves...the food was AMAZING and the conversations were priceless!! I didn't take the "Reb" with me to dinner, so my pics aren't the best!

Mom's birthday cake

The Deckers and Ross'!

Sister and Blake

Christopher and me

Sister and me

Sister, Dad, and me

John and Allison Ross

Allison and John are expecting twins (boy and a girl!!) this fall!!!!

Best pic of the night...Wright and AK fist pumping!! A night is never complete
without a conversation about Jersey Shore!

Kids officially start back to school tomorrow, so it's back to the real world for me. Happy August everyone!

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  1. What a birthday! I am so blessed....Mom

  2. VLD- you look GORGEOUS in these pictures! I hope to see you soon!


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