Sunday, November 13, 2011

Libby's Sprinkle

For those of you in the blogosphere who are unfamiliar with what a "Sprinkle" is, it is a toned-down version of a baby shower...or it is supposed to be.  Sister and her friends don't do anything on a small scale and Libby's Sprinkle was no different.  I was lucky enough to help host the party with her super-talented and fun party-throwing friends.  Sister and Libby were showered with lots of love and presents.

When I arrived at Ashley's beautiful house Saturday morning and saw this on the mailbox, I knew it was going to be a great day!

Libby's monogram wreath!

The girls were fast at work in the kitchen getting everything ready!

Tara and I spent all morning like this!

Ashley's super talented Mom did all the flowers for us...they were gorgeous!

"Stacey from Miami" always outdoes herself...these blocks matched the invite perfectly!

I made popcorn boxes for the favors.  The boxes say "Anna Kate is Ready to Pop"!  Inside each box was a white chocolate M &M popcorn mix.

These girls have an amazing attention to detail!

All of the food was DELICIOUS!

All of these presents were for Baby Libby!

I gave Sister this super-cute hospital gown to wear when she has Libby...she will be stylin' and profilin'! 

All the girls!

These four pretty girls are all pregnant...look at their cute bumps!

The only person missing this weekend was Blazer.  Congratulations, Blazer, on the arrival of Price and Palmer!  We are so excited the Sloan twins are finally here and we can't wait to meet them!

Let the countdown begin to Libby's arrival...she will be here in less than a month!!!

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  1. Thank you sooooo much for such an awesome sprinkle! You girls were WÀY over the top as always!!!

  2. I think someone needs birth control just to read this post! Good Lord at all the bumps! It was SO fun, and I think it was just perfect!

  3. What a beautiful day. You girls know how to throw a party!

  4. The countdown is on...I feel like it was just yesterday I was holding teeny tiny Katherine after Christy James Heath had just worked her magic. Time flies! It was so good to see you last weekend.


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