I love the 'Twilight' marathon I had with my friends on Sunday...they finally love it as much as I do!
I'm loving my new Antelope shoes I got for work...now if I can just wear them without twisting my ankle!
This cereal is GRRREEEAAT! It has lower sugar and extra fiber, but tastes just as good as the normal Frosted Flakes!
Loving my fern on my front porch...it has grown so much over the summer! I call it my 'fern on steroids' because it literally blew up over night.
My mom gifted me this Keurig from my Nana's house...loving the fact that I can make my tea in the mornings sooooo much faster!
I have always liked Pandora, but recently I have been loving it...these stations are my faves!
To say that I'm loving Pinterest would be an understatement...I am OBSESSED with it!
I'm loving the fact that my niece-to-be is growing in her Momma's belly...Sister's bump is growing by the day and she couldn't be any cuter!
And finally, I'm loving my new classroom at school! I wasn't thrilled when I found out I would have to move rooms, but my new room turned out better than I thought it would...once I added a few more owls and some polka dot curtains, it became "Very Virginia"!
I love the fact that I work at a school close to my DB so that she can come visit me at work!
My summer is officially over...kids start back tomorrow! It's bitter sweet, but I am definitely ready to get back into my routine. Hope all you teachers out there have a great start to your school year!